Phone:  (207) 338-0751

Email: [email protected]

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Northport Village Corporation Utilities

Operations of the water and sewer utilities owned by the Northport Village Corporation are overseen by a five-member Utilities Committee appointed by the NVC President. The committee meets monthly and consists of three members of the Board of Overseers and two at-large members. Learn more about the history of NVC utilities.

For information on when Utilities Committee meetings are held, and how to attend, please go here.

NVC utilities are managed by a licensed operator, Chuck Applebee’s, and Village Agent Bill Paige.To review monthly reports of the Utilities Department, please go here.

Utility customers are billed on a trimester basis.  Existing Customers and New Customers can contact the Utilities Department at [email protected].  Note: The Utilities email is checked only weekly. 

The 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is available here.

Per the Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) published by the USEPA in 2021, Northport Village Corporation completed an inventory of the drinking water pipes (also known as service lines) connecting to the interior plumbing of buildings. The intent of developing a lead service line inventory (LSLI) is to protect public health by identifying service lines that contain, or might contain, lead as a contaminant, and to then develop a plan to replace those lines.  Click here to learn more and see the results of the inventory.

2024 Utilities budgets: The 2024 sewer budget is available here. The 2024 water budget is available here.

Emergencies: If you notice a water or sewer irregularity (such as water bubbling up on the street or from someone’s house), please notify the Village Agent immediately at [email protected] or directly call the NVC Office at (207) 338-0751.

Water Service Availability: Water service is available throughout much of Bayside and parts of the Town Northport along Highway 1 heading north to Belfast.

Sewer Service Availability: Sewer service is available in only a portion of Bayside that is serviced by the NVC Sewer System (see map).

Help Keep Bayside’s Sewer System in Tip Top Shape

  • Do your part to help keep Bayside’s sewer system in great shape. Remember to:
    • Only flush toilet paper down the toilet — everything else (even if it is labeled ‘flushable’) should be tossed in the garbage.
    • Don’t use the garbage disposal — toss all food waste in the trash.
    • Never put grease, fat, oil, dairy products, bones, or coffee grounds down the drain!
    • Never dump chemicals, paints, or solvents down the drain! The proper handling and disposal of these materials through our sewer system will help extend its life, keep us in good standing with the DEP, and assure that we have all worked together to keep our bay and beaches clean.  Your local paint dealer will accept your unused paints in their original cans at no cost to you.  Your latex paint cans can go right in the trash assuming you leave the lid off and allow the paint to dry thoroughly. Dumping any amount of paint in our sewer system can magnify potential BOD levels well beyond our license limits.  There are better, safer, smarter ways to dispose of household hazardous waste than through our sewer.  Please read this brochure and follow its simple guidelines for the proper disposal of Household Hazardous Wastes. 
    • Discharges of home heating and kerosene or other hazardous or toxic household wastes into the sewage collection system are prohibited by law. Oil tanks and feed lines must be double walled and/or provided with some form of secondary containment to catch leaks and spills. Accordingly, it is a good habit to get into to inspect your tanks and lines with each delivery. Better yet, consider propane as an alternative to oil. For hazardous and toxic chemicals, please follow the labeling guidelines for the proper disposal method for these substances or for summer folks take them home with you at the end of the season. 
    • Don’t flush prescription drugs. Keep them out of the sewage collection system. Do not throw them down the drain.
    • Annually inspect your sewer lateral and building sinks, showers and toilet drains for leaks. This is especially important with seasonal dwellings where, because of the freeze/thaw cycles in Maine, the building and ground can shift to cause breaks in these drains and/or can cause the pipes to separate or can freeze if water is left in the traps at the end of the season and rupture the pipe. Beware! It is not unusual for the Sewer Department to receive 2-3 sewer odor complaints each year from neighboring customers because of such occurrences.
    • Make sure that basements with sump pumps are not being discharged into your building drain or, hence, into your sewer lateral. This is a prohibited act as it is a major source of inflow of water (or other substances) into sewage collection systems. If you have a sump pump and you are unsure where it is being discharged to or you know it is being discharged into the sewer, please give the NVC office a call. Our staff would be happy to help you resolve this matter. We are here to help.
    • Foundation drains, exterior and interior alike, are also prohibited from being tied into sewer laterals or the sewage collection system. Again, if you know that your foundation drain does drain into the sewage system or if you are unsure, give us a call. We can help to correct it.
    • Another common source of inflow into sewage collection systems is storm water run-off from roof gutters if they are tied into the building drain or sewer lateral. Tying roof leaders into the sewer lateral is also prohibited. Check your gutters to see if this might be the case and correct it.
  • Read more about the do’s and don’ts of what to put down the drain in Bayside, and if you are the owner or operator of a rental unit in NVC, please provide a copy of this brochure to your renters.

2024 Expanded Village Sewer Connection Moratorium

In October 2024 the Utilities Trustees of Northport Village Corporation passed a fourth moratorium that prohibits permits to be processed or approved for new connections to the NVC sewer system in order to provide additional time for the Village to study increased load on the sewer system. The moratorium runs from October 2024 – April 2025 (but may optionally be extended). Read more about the Moratorium and get answers to common questions.